[bitbake-devel] Can't get bitbake running

Markus Megerlin markus.megerlin at megerlin.de
Mon Aug 14 07:53:41 UTC 2017

Dear Madams and Sirs,

I try to get bitbake running for several days. I tried the following

- 1.26

- 1.17

- 1.16

And last I also tried to checkout the branch 1.34 and use it. But this
attempt failed, too.

On Version 1.26 I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/bin/bitbake", line 31, in
    import bb
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/__init__.py", line
77, in <module>
    from bb import fetch2 as fetch
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py",
line 1660, in <module>
    from . import wget
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/fetch2/wget.py", line
40, in <module>
    from   bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bs4/__init__.py", line
30, in <module>
    from .builder import builder_registry, ParserRejectedMarkup
"/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bs4/builder/__init__.py", line
311, in <module>
    from . import _html5lib
"/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bs4/builder/_html5lib.py", line
57, in <module>
    class TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(html5lib.treebuilders._base.TreeBuilder):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_base'
/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/event.py:111: RuntimeWarning:
Parent module 'bb' not found while handling absolute import
  from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter
Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/atexit.py", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
    func(*targs, **kargs)
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/event.py", line 111,
in print_ui_queue
    from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/__init__.py", line
77, in <module>
    from bb import fetch2 as fetch
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py",
line 39, in <module>
    from bb import data
ImportError: cannot import name data
Error in sys.exitfunc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/atexit.py", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
    func(*targs, **kargs)
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/event.py", line 111,
in print_ui_queue
    from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/__init__.py", line
77, in <module>
    from bb import fetch2 as fetch
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.26.0/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py",
line 39, in <module>
    from bb import data
ImportError: cannot import name data

But as I looked for the "data" file in the "bb" package I could find it,
where I did expect it. So I have no idea what the problem might be.

In version 1.17, as well as in version 1.16 there is another error occuring:


ERROR: Execution of event handler 'sstate_eventhandler' failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sstate_eventhandler(e)", line 6, in
sstate_eventhandler(e=<bb.event.RecipeParsed object at 0x7f8facf37f90>)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Summary: There were 67 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
ERROR: Execution of event handler 'sstate_eventhandler' failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sstate_eventhandler(e)", line 6, in sstate_eventhandler
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

On the git tag 1.34 I get the following error:

NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
ERROR: Unable to start bitbake server
ERROR: Last 10 lines of server log
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.34/lib/bb/cooker.py", line 357,
in initConfigurationData
  File "/home/megerlin/Tools/bitbake-1.34/lib/bb/cookerdata.py", line
323, in parseBaseConfiguration
    raise bb.BBHandledException
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
ERROR: Error in compiling python function in
line 13:

The code lines resulting in this error were:

SyntaxError: invalid token (terminal.bbclass, line 30)

I'm using a Ubuntu 17.04. The python version installed are:

python --version
Python 2.7.13

python3 --version
Python 3.5.3

Maybe you know one of the errors and could help me to solve it.

Best Regards,

Markus Megerlin

Markus Megerlin                      Tel: +49 231 22 39 0810
Eichenmarkweg 28                     Fax: +49 231 22 39 0811
44267 Dortmund                       Email: markus.megerlin at megerlin.de

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