[OE-core] [PATCH] boost: Split out bjam build tool and add real native support
Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
stefan at herbrechtsmeier.net
Tue Mar 12 14:55:10 UTC 2013
Am 12.03.2013 12:58, schrieb Stefan Herbrechtsmeier:
> Am 12.03.2013 11:48, schrieb Koen Kooi:
>> Op 12 mrt. 2013, om 11:19 heeft Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
>> <stefan at herbrechtsmeier.net> het volgende geschreven:
>>> Am 12.03.2013 00:44, schrieb Saul Wold:
>>>> On 03/07/2013 08:37 AM, Stefan Herbrechtsmeier wrote:
>>>>> The current boost recipe only creates the bjam build tool during
>>>>> a native run and thereby is not usable for other native programs
>>>>> that depend on a boost library. Split out the build tool into its
>>>>> own bjam recipe and add real native support to the boost recipe.
>>>>> This allows recipes to depend on native boost libraries without
>>>>> increase of the build time for other use cases.
>>>>> Native compilation of bzip2 isn't working and therefore disabled.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan at herbrechtsmeier.net>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> meta/recipes-support/boost/bjam_1.53.0.bb | 21 +++++++++++
>>>>> meta/recipes-support/boost/boost-1.53.0.inc | 21 +++++++++++
>>>>> meta/recipes-support/boost/boost.inc | 49
>>>>> ++-------------------------
>>>>> meta/recipes-support/boost/boost_1.53.0.bb | 6 +--
>>>>> 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
>>>>> create mode 100644 meta/recipes-support/boost/bjam_1.53.0.bb
>>>>> create mode 100644 meta/recipes-support/boost/boost-1.53.0.inc
>>>> This change seems to have caused a failure on my test build:
>>> Sorry, I missed the no native case. I rename bjam to bjam-native and
>>> send a new patch. Bjam make no sense on the target as it is only
>>> used for compiling.
>> And what if you need bjam to compile something on the target?
> Then you need to add cross compile support to bjam which is outside of
> the scope of this patch.
I have realised that boost always compile bjam during do_boostconfig. I
have rework the recipe to use this bjam version as this simplify the
recipe and the update path.
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