[OE-core] [<OE-core][PATCH v2 1/4] weston-init: Handle Weston startup correctly.

Tom Hochstein Tom.Hochstein at freescale.com
Sat Dec 19 18:08:01 UTC 2015

Hi Otavio,

Can you be more explicit about what you mean by weston-launch wrapper? Do you want to hide the current weston-launch binary and replace it by a new weston-launch wrapper? What happens to my proposed weston-start, which is itself a wrapper? Does its functionality move into weston-launch?
Can you help me understand the rationale for the extra XWayland script? The existing weston recipe installs xwayland.so when the XWayland package is specified. In your proposal, the weston recipe would also install the extra script when the XWayland package is specified. Since the same XWayland package mechanism is used in both cases, the benefit of the extra script isn't clear to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Otavio Salvador [mailto:otavio.salvador at ossystems.com.br] 
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 3:58 AM
To: Hochstein Tom-R60874 <Tom.Hochstein at freescale.com>
Cc: Sundararaj Prabhu-B36876 <Prabhu.Sundararaj at freescale.com>; Patches and discussions about the oe-core layer <openembedded-core at lists.openembedded.org>
Subject: Re: [OE-core] [<OE-core][PATCH v2 1/4] weston-init: Handle Weston startup correctly.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Tom Hochstein <Tom.Hochstein at freescale.com> wrote:
> Hi Otavio,
> Does the existence of /usr/lib/weston/xwayland.so give us what we want?
>         if [ -f /usr/lib/weston/xwayland.so ]; then
>             mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix
>             OPTARGS="--modules=xwayland.so $OPTARGS"
>         fi
>         openvt $OPENVT_ARGS -- sh -c "weston-launch -- $OPTARGS > /var/log/weston.log 2>&1"


I think I came up with a plan:

 - make weston-launch to be a wrapper
 - make it source ${datadir}/weston/weston-launch.d/<scripts>
 -  XWayland package, you install a ${datadir}/weston/weston-launch.d/XWayland

XWayland file:

mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix
OPTARGS="--modules=xwayland.so $OPTARGS"

Done. It became a generic one ;-)

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
http://www.ossystems.com.br        http://code.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 (53) 9981-7854            Mobile: +1 (347) 903-9750

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