[OE-core] [PATCH 0/5] linux-yocto: consolidated pull request

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri May 1 22:59:14 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2015-04-30 at 21:34 -0400, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> Here is the latest consolidated pull request for the supported linux-yocto
> kernels.
>  - We have a refresh of the 3.14-rt support
>  - bluetooh configuration changes for common-pc/qemux86
>  - braswell BSP features and fixes
>  - Introduction of the 4.1-rc1 -dev kernel (and associated perf fix).
> I've built and booted these on my local machines and qemu, and
> everything was sane.
> The -dev kernel obviously isn't something for deployment yet, but
> it builds, and forms the base for follow up config changes, features
> and development work. I built and booted core-image-kernel dev with
> the 4.1 changes in place.

The autobuilder showed up this for an x32 build :/.




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