[OE-core] [PATCH 1/1] apt: upgrade to
Randy MacLeod
randy.macleod at windriver.com
Wed May 6 15:43:19 UTC 2015
On 2015-05-05 03:14 AM, rongqing.li at windriver.com wrote:
> From: Roy Li <rongqing.li at windriver.com>
> Upgrade to fix the several CVEs: CVE-2014-0488, CVE-2014-0490
> Remove apt-, which was backport.
> Romve no-ko-translation.patch, apt- has ko translation
> Update use-host.patch no-curl.patch db_linking_hack.patch and
> noconfigure.patch
> Not build the test cases since it requires gtest
meta-oe has gtest:
Is there any reason not to move it and gmock to oe-core?
It has no dependencies and it's used by:
llvm, google-protocol buffers, opencv, google-chrome
and probably other packages.
I think Mark mentioned that llvm might move to oe-core as
well so that would be two recipes that benefit from moving gtest.
# Randy MacLeod. SMTS, Linux, Wind River
Direct: 613.963.1350 | 350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON,
Canada, K2K 2W5
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