[OE-core] [PATCH 4/4] kernel-yocto: propagate in tree defconfigs to WORKDIR

Bruce Ashfield bruce.ashfield at windriver.com
Fri May 8 03:36:15 UTC 2015

As reported by Steffen Pankratz <Steffen.Pankratz at elektrobit.com>, the
previous logic of KBUILD_DEFCONFIG processing would not propagate an in
tree defcofig to WORKDIR if one was not already present.

We fix the propagation by copying the in tee config if a defconfig is
not already in WORKDIR.

Additionally we only warn (versus copying) if an in tree configuration
is specified, is different than the WORKDIR version and isn't copied.

Signed-off-by: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at windriver.com>
 meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass | 11 ++++++-----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
index 0dd5b4851361..88588d7cacc9 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
@@ -97,14 +97,15 @@ do_kernel_metadata() {
 	if [ -n "${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG}" ]; then
 		if [ -f "${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG}" ]; then
 			if [ -f "${WORKDIR}/defconfig" ]; then
-				# If the two defconfigs are the same, leave the existing one in place
+				# If the two defconfig's are different, warn that we didn't overwrite the
+				# one already placed in WORKDIR by the fetcher.
 				cmp "${WORKDIR}/defconfig" "${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG}"
 				if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-					bbnote "defconfig detected in WORKDIR. ${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG} skipped"
-				else
-					cp -f ${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG} ${WORKDIR}/defconfig
-					sccs="${WORKDIR}/defconfig"
+					bbwarn "defconfig detected in WORKDIR. ${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG} skipped"
+			else
+				cp -f ${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG} ${WORKDIR}/defconfig
+				sccs="${WORKDIR}/defconfig"
 			bbfatal "A KBUILD_DECONFIG '${KBUILD_DEFCONFIG}' was specified, but not present in the source tree"

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