[OE-core] [PATCH 0/1] Make "set -x" in postinst scripts not break rootfs

Peter Seebach peter.seebach at windriver.com
Thu May 21 20:36:34 UTC 2015

I was trying to debug a postinstall script, so I added set -x, so rootfs
creation broke. The issue is that set -x caused lines of code to be emitted
in a place where the log file checker saw them. It's totally okay for
a postinstall script to exit 1; that moves it into etc/rpm-postinsts, and
then it runs on the target.

So it shouldn't prevent rootfs creation from "succeeding". Solution: Don't
process lines preceeded by a "+", because that's probably set -x output.

The following changes since commit fe7780a9bbbfa4dcbbe457618a0842e91a3c6a0e:

  libxdmcp: make libbsd usage deterministic (2015-05-21 10:48:41 +0100)

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib seebs/setminusx

Peter Seebach (1):
  rootfs.py: Make set -x not break rootfs creation

 meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)


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