[OE-core] [oe-core][PATCH] systemd-serialgetty: Remove SERIAL_CONSOLE definition, because it depends of machine definition. Set it, here, can be make the value is not good.

Paul Eggleton paul.eggleton at linux.intel.com
Fri May 22 13:12:44 UTC 2015

Hi Thomas,

On Friday 22 May 2015 15:02:02 Thomas PERROT wrote:
> If the machine layer definition is applied after meta-systemd also
> with a default setting operator instead an affectation, this var will
> be bad initialized. It's the case with meta-raspberrypi layer.

1) Where in meta-systemd is SERIAL_CONSOLE being set? I can't find it anywhere 
in there.

2) Should you even be using meta-systemd? systemd support in OE-Core is 99% 
complete; meta-systemd is mostly only needed for legacy usages.

3) When the machine configuration sets the value, that happens pretty early on 
in the parsing process so there's no way that this value is going to take 
precedence over the machine value. Have you looked at the output of 
bitbake -e systemd-serialgetty | less to see how the value of this variable is 
being set?



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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