[OE-core] Unable to change binary names in do_install_append

Victor Rodriguez vm.rod25 at gmail.com
Sun May 24 12:58:54 UTC 2015

Hi team

After a successful build I have the binaries I need but with the
prefix i586-poky-linux

I tried to change their names with this:

do_install_append () {
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-hydra_nameserver
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-hydra_persist  ${D}${bindir}/hydra_persist
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-hydra_pmi_proxy
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-mpiexec ${D}${bindir}/mpiexec
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-mpiexec.hydra ${D}${bindir}/mpiexec.hydra
    mv ${D}${bindir}/i586-poky-linux-mpirun ${D}${bindir}/mpirun

Despite the fact that the rpm is deploying fine:

%dir "/usr"
%dir "/usr/bin"
%dir "/usr/lib"

I can not run the binary ( is not in the PATH ) and even "ls
/us/bin/<binary>" is not working :(

Meanwhile I will reset the patch and adapt  the benchmark I need to
run to these names

I might be doing something wrong .. so all the help is more than welcome

Best regards

Victor Rodriguez

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