[OE-core] [oe] State of bitbake world, Failed tasks 2015-05-27

Paul Eggleton paul.eggleton at linux.intel.com
Thu May 28 10:04:56 UTC 2015

On Thursday 28 May 2015 10:45:36 Martin Jansa wrote:
> This time without sstate-cache, so the list of QA issues should be
> almost complete (except recipes which fail to build or their
> dependencies failed to build)
> http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Bitbake_World_Status
> == Failed tasks 2015-05-27 ==
> INFO: jenkins-job.sh-1.3.1 Complete log available at
> http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/world/log.report.20150528_084227.log
> === common-x86 (1) ===
>     * /openembedded-core/meta/recipes-qt/qt4/qt4-x11-free_4.8.6.bb, do_compile

This seems to be related to gstreamer 0.10 removal; though it's QtWebkit that's
failing rather than Phonon:

| cd WebKit/qt/tests/ && /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/qmake2 -after              INCPATH+=/home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/sysroots/qemux86/usr/include/freetype2 LIBS+=-L/home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/sysroots/qemux86/usr/lib /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/work/i586-oe-linux/qt4-x11-free/4.8.6-r0/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/src/3rdparty/webkit/Source/WebKit/qt/tests/tests.pro -spec /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/work/i586-oe-linux/qt4-x11-free/4.8.6-r0/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/mkspecs/linux-g++ -after  INCPATH+=/home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/sysroots/qemux86/usr/include/freetype2 LIBS+=-L/home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/sysroots/qemux86/usr/lib -o Makefile.WebKit
| WARNING: (internal):1: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):3: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):1: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):3: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):1: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):3: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):1: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):3: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):1: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| WARNING: (internal):3: Variable INCPATH is deprecated; use INCLUDEPATH instead.
| Project ERROR: Package gstreamer-app-0.10 not found
| make[1]: *** [WebCore/Makefile.WebKit] Error 2
| make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
| Project ERROR: Package gstreamer-app-0.10 not found
| make[1]: *** [WebKit/qt/Makefile.WebKit.QtWebKit] Error 2
| make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/work/i586-oe-linux/qt4-x11-free/4.8.6-r0/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/src/3rdparty/webkit/Source'
| make: *** [sub-webkit-make_default-ordered] Error 2
| ERROR: oe_runmake failed
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/tmp-glibc/work/i586-oe-linux/qt4-x11-free/4.8.6-r0/temp/log.do_compile.14903)

Alex, can you take a look at this?



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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