[OE-core] [PATCH 3/9] systemd: remove hard-coded paths in FILES entries

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri Sep 4 14:06:50 UTC 2015

On 4 September 2015 at 12:07, Joshua Lock <joshua.lock at collabora.co.uk>

> I've prepared a v2 that changes this to nonarch_base_libdir but
> systemd+multilib appears to be broken, see:
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8256

As far as I understand it (and that's only a bit, I'll delegate to Mark)
this is because the sanity check is verifying that the files that get
overwritten between different subarches are actually identical, but
lib32-connman and connman have service files in /lib/systemd that refer to
binaries that are in $(libdir), which changes, so the files change.
Arguably connman should be using libexecdir and not libdir, but that also
would mean fixing libexecdir not to change (for which I have a patch series
that failed to re-send in this cycle).

I've commented on the bug that the example should be changed to be a
library such as lib32-glib-2.0, which is possibly a more useful real world
situation ("I have a 32-bit pre-compiled binary that needs glib" is more
likely than "I want a 64-bit distro with a 32-bit connman") and should
actually work.


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