[OE-core] Migrating from Samba 3 to 4
Paul D. DeRocco
pderocco at ix.netcom.com
Thu Sep 17 00:52:01 UTC 2015
> From: Paul D. DeRocco
> A couple years ago, I included Samba 3 in a Yocto (Dylan
> branch) project,
> and got it working. It included a custom smb.conf file, and an added
> usermap file. I'm doing a new version of that project using
> the Yocto Fido
> branch, and incorporating Samba 4, whose recipe works differently.
> To provide a custom smb.conf, I simply did the usual
> .bbappend prepending
> my own files subdirectory containing the new smb.conf. The new recipe
> copies smb.conf explicitly inside a do_install_append()
> function, so never
> looks for mine.
> To provide a usermap file, I created a do_install_append()
> that created
> the necessary subdirectories and copied the file. Worked fine.
> Neither of those is working now. The final sysroot contains the stock
> smb.conf and no usermap. I'm a bitbake near-newbie, so I need
> some help.
> Why wouldn't my do_install_append() be called? Isn't it legal
> to have one
> in the .bb and another in the .bbappend?
> And what is the now-accepted method of supplying a custom smb.conf?
> Copying it in a do_install_append(), or by running a little
> script with
> ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND? Is the latter how I should be
> doing both of
> these things?
Never mind about usermap: that was cockpit error.
I'm still left with the question: is there a "standard" way of supplying a
custom smb.conf file for Samba 4?
Ciao, Paul D. DeRocco
Paul mailto:pderocco at ix.netcom.com
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