[OE-core] [PATCH] hand the TEMPLATECONF local over to setup-builddir

Marcus Müller marcus.mueller at ettus.com
Tue Sep 22 18:45:26 UTC 2015

> If I understand correctly it allows a user prepared $TEMPLATECONF
> directory
> to be used by oe-setup-builddir.
Indeed; the point is that oe-setup-builddir was definitely meant to be
used with a TEMPLATECONF set by the user; in bash, the TEMPLATECONF
local variable is automatically passed on from oe-init-build-env to
oe-setup-builddir¹, but in zsh, this doesn't work without explicitely
declaring that should happen (which is the only thing my patch does).

Best regards,

¹ not quite sure how; it's a local to the calling script and shouldn't
be a local or env variable to the callee, IMHO.

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