[OE-core] [PATCH 1/2] connman: Depend on xuser-account unconditionally

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri Sep 25 16:12:03 UTC 2015

On 25 September 2015 at 16:59, Andreas Oberritter <obi at opendreambox.org>

> Whether to add user accounts or not should be a decision made by the
> distro. If this setting is machine specific, which to be honest
> surprised me, why don't you just let the machine specific xorg video
> driver depend on xuser-account unconditionally? Connman really doesn't
> need this account.

connman does need the account as it uses it to allow a non-root X user to
actually use connman.  DBus should warn if you try and set policy that uses
users that entirely don't exist.

I wonder if dbus lets multiple files assign policy, so the dbus rules could
go into the xuser package?

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