[OE-core] [RESEND PATCH v3 2/2] package_manager: support for signed IPK package feeds

Ioan-Adrian Ratiu adrian.ratiu at ni.com
Tue Jan 5 08:38:52 UTC 2016

Create gpg signed package feeds if configured. Very similar to
how rpm does it. Most of the config variables are shared with
the rpm backend (like PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_NAME), with the exception
of PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_PUBKEY which is not needed in this case.

Signed-off-by: Ioan-Adrian Ratiu <adrian.ratiu at ni.com>
Signed-off-by: Alejandro del Castillo <alejandro.delcastillo at ni.com>
 meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py | 21 ++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py b/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
index 32afeaf..8c8ecce 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ class OpkgIndexer(Indexer):
             open(os.path.join(self.deploy_dir, "Packages"), "w").close()
         index_cmds = []
+        index_sign_files = []
         for arch_var in arch_vars:
             archs = self.d.getVar(arch_var, True)
             if archs is None:
@@ -196,6 +197,8 @@ class OpkgIndexer(Indexer):
                 index_cmds.append('%s -r %s -p %s -m %s' %
                                   (opkg_index_cmd, pkgs_file, pkgs_file, pkgs_dir))
+                index_sign_files.append(pkgs_file)
         if len(index_cmds) == 0:
             bb.note("There are no packages in %s!" % self.deploy_dir)
@@ -203,10 +206,22 @@ class OpkgIndexer(Indexer):
         result = oe.utils.multiprocess_exec(index_cmds, create_index)
         if result:
             bb.fatal('%s' % ('\n'.join(result)))
-        if self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_SIGN', True) == '1':
-            raise NotImplementedError('Package feed signing not implementd for ipk')
+        # all these variables are needed to succesfully sign the index, otherwise skip signing
+        if self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_SIGN', True) == '1' and \
+           self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_NAME', True) and \
+           self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE', True):
+                pkgfeed_gpg_name = self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_NAME', True)
+                pkgfeed_gpg_pass = self.d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE', True)
+                gpg_bin = self.d.getVar('GPG_BIN', True) or bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "gpg")
+                gpg_cmd = "%s --no-use-agent --batch --yes -ab -u %s --passphrase-file '%s'" % \
+                          (gpg_bin, pkgfeed_gpg_name, pkgfeed_gpg_pass)
+                for f in index_sign_files:
+                    result = oe.utils.multiprocess_exec([gpg_cmd + ' ' + f], create_index)
+                    if result:
+                        bb.fatal('%s' % ('\n'.join(result)))
 class DpkgIndexer(Indexer):
     def _create_configs(self):

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