[OE-core] version of gdb in morty

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Wed Nov 2 23:02:28 UTC 2016

On 2 November 2016 at 20:41, Andre McCurdy <armccurdy at gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks like morty (and master) are building gdb from git (ie cloning
> a ~660MB repo) with the git revision set to a snapshot mid-way between
> the 7.11 and 7.11.1 release tags.
> Was that the intention? Or is there a patch somewhere to switch to
> building from the official 7.11.1 tar file?

That was introduced by Khem with the commit message of "gdb: Upgrade to
7.11", so clearly we should have validated that the hash matches the tag
and that there wasn't the option of a tarball.

For master we can obviously take a 7.11.1 upgrade, for morty there is a
case to be made that a git clone is sufficiently huge and inconvenient for
users who are not tracking master that an upgrade to get the tarball is

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