[OE-core] libtool --with-libtool-sysroot

Jack Mitchell ml at embed.me.uk
Fri Nov 11 17:31:47 UTC 2016

On 11/11/16 15:34, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 11 November 2016 at 14:34, Jack Mitchell <ml at embed.me.uk
> <mailto:ml at embed.me.uk>> wrote:
>     However, looking at the libtool recipe in OE it has a patch which
>     changes the libtool flag from --with-sysroot to
>     --with-libtool-sysroot. The question is, how is this version not
>     making it into my SDK, I have sourced the environment script and a
>     which libtoolize points to the right path.
> Is the package you are trying to build using its own libtool (or the
> host libtool), and not our prefixed libtool?
> Ross

This may be happening but it's just a generic autotools project. No 
references to libtool in the project apart from the ones automatically 

autoreconf -i
./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}

How would one check which libtool was being used, or influence which one 
autotools chooses?


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