[OE-core] [PATCH] sanity: removed broken compiler check

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at sigma-chemnitz.de
Tue Nov 22 11:11:45 UTC 2016

Christopher Larson <clarson at kergoth.com> writes:

>> |    Please install the following missing utilities: C Compiler (ccache gcc ),C++ Compiler (ccache g++ )
>> Remove this check for now.
>> [...]
>> +++ b/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
>> [...]
>> -    if not check_app_exists('${BUILD_CC}', d):
>> -        missing = missing + "C Compiler (%s)," % d.getVar("BUILD_CC", True)
>> -
>> -    if not check_app_exists('${BUILD_CXX}', d):
>> -        missing = missing + "C++ Compiler (%s)," % d.getVar("BUILD_CXX", True)
>> -
> Is there a reason check_app_exists() wasn’t fixed to handle symlinks
> instead?

This will not help. 'check_app_exist()' checks for the existence of a
file (e.g. like 'test -x "${BUILD_CC}"' with iterating $PATH).  But
'ccache gcc' is not a single file but a chain of files.

A more reliable method would be to call the program with '--version' or
so and check the exit code.

But gcc and g++ are elementary tools which are existing very likely on
every developers machine and which will not introduce silent and difficulty
to detect breakage.  So I removed the check for now instead to implement
the method above.


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