[OE-core] [PATCH v1] wic: Add --exclude-path option to rootfs source plugin.

Kristian Amlie kristian.amlie at mender.io
Fri Nov 25 12:35:53 UTC 2016

On 25/11/16 13:28, Maciej Borzęcki wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Kristian Amlie
>> +                # Disallow '..', because doing so could be quite disastrous
>> +                # (we will delete the directory).
>> +                remaining = path
>> +                while True:
>> +                    (head, tail) = os.path.split(remaining)
>> +                    if tail == '..':
>> +                        msger.error("'..' not allowed: --exclude-path=%s" % orig_path)
>> +                    elif head == "":
>> +                        break
>> +                    remaining = head
> Why not do this instead?
>     if '..' in path:
>         msger.error("'..' not allowed: --exclude-path=%s" % orig_path)

Because '..' can be part of a longer file name. Not overly likely, but
not impossible either.


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