[OE-core] [PATCH 03/11] pybootchartgui/draw.py: fix drawing of samples not starting at zero

Patrick Ohly patrick.ohly at intel.com
Mon Nov 28 15:33:04 UTC 2016

The code did not handle x scaling correctly when drawing starts at
some time larger than zero, i.e. it worked for normal bootchart data,
but not for the system statistics recorded by buildstats.bbclass.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Ohly <patrick.ohly at intel.com>
 scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/draw.py | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/draw.py b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/draw.py
index 2b5907b..925002d 100644
--- a/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/draw.py
+++ b/scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui/draw.py
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ def draw_chart(ctx, color, fill, chart_bounds, data, proc_tree, data_range):
 	# avoid divide by zero
 	if max_y == 0:
 		max_y = 1.0
-	xscale = float (chart_bounds[2]) / max_x
+	xscale = float (chart_bounds[2]) / (max_x - x_shift)
 	# If data_range is given, scale the chart so that the value range in
 	# data_range matches the chart bounds exactly.
 	# Otherwise, scale so that the actual data matches the chart bounds.

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