[OE-core] [PATCH v3 0/6] Provide list of deployment artifacts

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri Sep 2 11:45:20 UTC 2016

On Thu, 2016-09-01 at 11:55 +0300, Ed Bartosh wrote:
> This is a fix for Bug #9869 - Provide a per-target manifest of files
> which were, or would have been, produced
> The list of artifacts produced by deployment tasks (do_deploy,
> do_image_complete and do_populate_sdk[_ext] is
> obtained from sstate manifests and fired as a TaskArtifacts metadata
> event. This should allow Toaster to
> handle artifacts in simple way and remove a lot of current Toaster
> code doing guess work.
> To generate manifests for do_image_complete and do_populate_sdk they
> have been put under sstate control.
> To avoid storing big files(images and sdk installer) in sstate new
> variable SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION has been
> set in image.bbclass and populate_sdk_base.bbclass and sstate code
> was modified to avoid adding files
> to sstate if SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION is set.

There were multiple issues here:

* Duplicate file overlap in DEPLOY_DIR/sdk causing build failures
* Overlap of the DEPLOYDIR namespace breaking builds (between 
  do_image_complete, do_populate_sdk and do_populate_sdk_ext but could 
  potentially conflict with a do_deploy task added to an image too)
* Breakage of do_populate_sdk_ext since it calls do_populate_sdk
* No sstate coverage of do_populate_sdk_ext
* no cleandirs on do_populate_sdk DEPLOYDIR

I've a revised patch set I'll test which addresses these issues.



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