[OE-core] (morty) Python exception during rootfs

Mike Looijmans mike.looijmans at topic.nl
Tue Feb 7 14:21:33 UTC 2017

I get this stacktrace from bitbake. No idea what's wrong. Apparently, 
d.getVarFlags(func) returns None and the code cannot handle that. Is this a 
bug in bitbake, or should 'flags' never evaluate to None?

The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
  *** 0002:do_rootfs(d)
File: '/home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/oe-core/meta/classes/image.bbclass', 
lineno: 249, function: do_rootfs
      0246:    progress_reporter.next_stage()
      0248:    # generate rootfs
  *** 0249:    create_rootfs(d, progress_reporter=progress_reporter)
      0251:    progress_reporter.finish()
      0253:do_rootfs[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
File: '/home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py', 
lineno: 1006, function: create_rootfs
      1002:    img_type = d.getVar('IMAGE_PKGTYPE', True)
      1003:    if img_type == "rpm":
      1004:        RpmRootfs(d, manifest_dir, progress_reporter).create()
      1005:    elif img_type == "ipk":
  *** 1006:        OpkgRootfs(d, manifest_dir, progress_reporter).create()
      1007:    elif img_type == "deb":
      1008:        DpkgRootfs(d, manifest_dir, progress_reporter).create()
      1010:    os.environ.clear()
File: '/home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py', 
lineno: 210, function: create
      0206:        execute_pre_post_process(self.d, rootfs_post_install_cmds)
      0208:        self._run_intercepts()
  *** 0210:        execute_pre_post_process(self.d, post_process_cmds)
      0212:        if self.progress_reporter:
      0213:            self.progress_reporter.next_stage()
File: '/home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/utils.py', 
lineno: 176, function: execute_pre_post_process
      0172:    for cmd in cmds.strip().split(';'):
      0173:        cmd = cmd.strip()
      0174:        if cmd != '':
      0175:            bb.note("Executing %s ..." % cmd)
  *** 0176:            bb.build.exec_func(cmd, d)
      0178:def multiprocess_exec(commands, function):
      0179:    import signal
      0180:    import multiprocessing
File: '/home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/bitbake/lib/bb/build.py', lineno: 
197, function: exec_func
      0193:    except:
      0194:        oldcwd = None
      0196:    flags = d.getVarFlags(func)
  *** 0197:    cleandirs = flags.get('cleandirs')
      0198:    if cleandirs:
      0199:        for cdir in d.expand(cleandirs).split():
      0200:            bb.utils.remove(cdir, True)
      0201:            bb.utils.mkdirhier(cdir)
Exception: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

ERROR: pr-demo-image-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
ERROR: Task 
failed with exit code '1'

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Products
Materiaalweg 4, NL-5681 RJ Best
Postbus 440, NL-5680 AK Best
Telefoon: +31 (0) 499 33 69 79
E-mail: mike.looijmans at topicproducts.com
Website: www.topicproducts.com

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