[OE-core] [morty][PATCH 2/3] sstate-diff-machines.sh: Replace MACHINE_ARCH only at the beginning and separated with dash

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 14:06:47 UTC 2018

* I had some components where the MACHINE name was also included in PV of allarch recipe
  which was tripping the script into saying that they have different signatures (because
  for one MACHINE was the string in PV replaced with 'MACHINE' and not for other MACHINEs

Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa at gmail.com>
 scripts/sstate-diff-machines.sh | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scripts/sstate-diff-machines.sh b/scripts/sstate-diff-machines.sh
index 056aa0a04c..27c6a33006 100755
--- a/scripts/sstate-diff-machines.sh
+++ b/scripts/sstate-diff-machines.sh
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ for M in ${machines}; do
     cp -ra ${tmpdir}/stamps/* ${OUTPUT}/${M}
     find ${OUTPUT}/${M} -name \*sigdata\* | sed "s#${OUTPUT}/${M}/##g" | sort > ${OUTPUT}/${M}/list
     M_UNDERSCORE=`echo ${M} | sed 's/-/_/g'`
-    sed "s/${M_UNDERSCORE}/MACHINE/g; s/${M}/MACHINE/g" ${OUTPUT}/${M}/list | sort > ${OUTPUT}/${M}/list.M
+    sed "s/^${M_UNDERSCORE}-/MACHINE/g" ${OUTPUT}/${M}/list | sort > ${OUTPUT}/${M}/list.M
     find ${tmpdir}/stamps/ -name \*sigdata\* | xargs rm -f
     printf "ERROR: no sigdata files were generated for MACHINE $M in ${tmpdir}/stamps\n";

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