[OE-core] Is it necessary to fix the Bugzilla – Bug 11807 and 5876 ?

Hongzhi, Song hongzhi.song at windriver.com
Wed Dec 5 10:17:38 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I don't know if it is necessary to do this enhancement.

1. Bug 11807:


'CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE' is used to be set to the names of firmware files 

should be provided by driver vendors.

'CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR' is set to a path which contains above firmware

files. The default path is /lib/firmware if the 

The path and firmware files must exist in rootfs eventually.

2. Bug 5876:


I think it mean that bbclass should check the state of menuconfig.

I don't know if is necessary to fix these bugs. Could you give me help?


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