[OE-core] [PATCH 4/5] icecc: Don't generate recipe-sysroot symlinks at recipe-parsing time
Douglas Royds
douglas.royds at taitradio.com
Wed Dec 19 22:59:47 UTC 2018
The python function icecc_path() was being invoked inline by set_icecc_env(),
meaning that it was being invoked at recipe-parsing time.
As a side-effect, icecc_path() was creating the recipe-sysroot directory and
symlinking icecc into it. Because this was done at parsing time (rather than
configure time), we were generating otherwise-empty WORKDIRs for *all* parsed
recipes, and for all virtual classes (-native, -nativesdk).
In my build, this generated more than 800 of these otherwise-empty WORKDIRs.
I have simplified icecc_path() to return only the intended path to the icecc
symlinks in the recipe-sysroot, with no side-effect.
We then create the directory and the icecc symlinks at configure time.
Because get_cross_kernel_cc() is still invoked at parse-time,
it needs a guard-clause for the non-kernel case.
We are now finding the host icecc at do_configure time,
so icecc needs to be in the HOSTTOOLS. I have made this non-fatal,
so that we can still inherit icecc without icecc installed.
Signed-off-by: Douglas Royds <douglas.royds at taitradio.com>
meta/classes/icecc.bbclass | 62 +++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass b/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
index 2171e11db0..49597175ca 100644
--- a/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/icecc.bbclass
# This version can be incremented when changes are made to the environment that
# invalidate the version on the compile nodes. Changing it will cause a new
# environment to be created.
@@ -98,9 +100,11 @@ DEPENDS_prepend += "${@icecc_dep_prepend(d)} "
get_cross_kernel_cc[vardepsexclude] += "KERNEL_CC"
def get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d):
- kernel_cc = d.getVar('KERNEL_CC')
+ if not icecc_is_kernel(bb, d):
+ return None
# evaluate the expression by the shell if necessary
+ kernel_cc = d.getVar('KERNEL_CC')
if '`' in kernel_cc or '$(' in kernel_cc:
import subprocess
kernel_cc = subprocess.check_output("echo %s" % kernel_cc, shell=True).decode("utf-8")[:-1]
@@ -113,38 +117,6 @@ def get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d):
def get_icecc(d):
return d.getVar('ICECC_PATH') or bb.utils.which(os.getenv("PATH"), "icecc")
-def create_path(compilers, bb, d):
- """
- Create Symlinks for the icecc in the staging directory
- """
- staging = os.path.join(d.expand('${STAGING_BINDIR}'), "ice")
- if icecc_is_kernel(bb, d):
- staging += "-kernel"
- #check if the icecc path is set by the user
- icecc = get_icecc(d)
- # Create the dir if necessary
- try:
- os.stat(staging)
- except:
- try:
- os.makedirs(staging)
- except:
- pass
- for compiler in compilers:
- gcc_path = os.path.join(staging, compiler)
- try:
- os.stat(gcc_path)
- except:
- try:
- os.symlink(icecc, gcc_path)
- except:
- pass
- return staging
def use_icecc(bb,d):
if d.getVar('ICECC_DISABLED') == "1":
# don't even try it, when explicitly disabled
@@ -248,12 +220,11 @@ def icecc_path(bb,d):
# don't create unnecessary directories when icecc is disabled
+ staging = os.path.join(d.expand('${STAGING_BINDIR}'), "ice")
if icecc_is_kernel(bb, d):
- return create_path( [get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d), ], bb, d)
+ staging += "-kernel"
- else:
- prefix = d.expand('${HOST_PREFIX}')
- return create_path( [prefix+"gcc", prefix+"g++"], bb, d)
+ return staging
def icecc_get_external_tool(bb, d, tool):
external_toolchain_bindir = d.expand('${EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN}${bindir_cross}')
@@ -350,6 +321,23 @@ set_icecc_env() {
+ ICECC_BIN="${@get_icecc(d)}"
+ if [ -z "${ICECC_BIN}" ]; then
+ bbwarn "Cannot use icecc: icecc binary not found"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Create symlinks to icecc in the recipe-sysroot directory
+ mkdir -p ${ICE_PATH}
+ if [ -n "${KERNEL_CC}" ]; then
+ compilers="${@get_cross_kernel_cc(bb,d)}"
+ else
+ compilers="${HOST_PREFIX}gcc ${HOST_PREFIX}g++"
+ fi
+ for compiler in $compilers; do
+ ln -sf ${ICECC_BIN} ${ICE_PATH}/$compiler
+ done
ICECC_CC="${@icecc_get_and_check_tool(bb, d, "gcc")}"
ICECC_CXX="${@icecc_get_and_check_tool(bb, d, "g++")}"
# cannot use icecc_get_and_check_tool here because it assumes as without target_sys prefix
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