[OE-core] [RFC] How to deal allarch packages in dependency chain for multilib rootfs?

Kang Kai Kai.Kang at windriver.com
Mon Jul 2 02:05:09 UTC 2018

Hi Martin,

On 2018年06月28日 19:13, Martin Jansa wrote:
> In our build I've removed the openssl runtime dependency 
> (RDEPENDS_${PN}_remove = "openssl"), because we pull the right version 
> of openssl (lib32-openssl in our case) to the image elsewhere.

Thanks for your reply.

We have too many different kind of images so it can't be assured that 
lib32-openssl will be installed to image. And there are also other 
noarch packages such as docbook-xsl-stylesheets which depends on perl.
It is better to have a common solution.


> On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 10:48 AM Kang Kai <Kai.Kang at windriver.com 
> <mailto:Kai.Kang at windriver.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     When build 32 bits rootfs with 64 bits bsp, if an allarch/noarch
>     package is installed to lib32 rootfs, it causes
>     unexpected 64 bits packages which is required by the allarch
>     package installed to lib32 rootfs.
>     Take ca-certificates as example. ca-certificates rdepends on
>     openssl, so if ca-certificates is installed to image,
>     64 bits package openssl will be installed too no matter what the
>     rootfs is. But only 32 bits openssl package should
>     be installed to 32 bits rootfs.
>     There are 2 ways to fixed the issue.
>     1 expand allarch/noarch packages with multilib. So if add
>     ca-certificates to image, lib32-ca-certificates will be
>        installed to 32bits rootfs. And then also the dependency
>     lib32-openssl is installed. That is what we expected.
>     2 expand DEPENDS/RDEPENDS of allarch/noarch packages with a prefix
>     'noarch-' when multilib is enabled. So then
>     ca-certificates requires 'noarch-openssl'. And make both
>     lib32-openssl and openssl provides 'noarch-openssl'.
>        When do_rootfs, there is only one rpm repo 'oe-rootfs-repo'
>     now. We will create repos with different priorities
>        according to different archs/subdirectories. For 32 bits image,
>     make 32 bits rpm repo has higher priority, so lib32-openssl
>        will be installed to 32 bits rootfs rather than 64bits.
>     I know these 2 ways are not perfect, but only possible ways I have
>     in mind to solve the problem.
>     Any comment or suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Neil | Kai Kang
>     -- 
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Neil | Kai Kang

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