[OE-core] [RFC] How to deal allarch packages in dependency chain for multilib rootfs?

Kang Kai Kai.Kang at windriver.com
Mon Jul 23 14:09:57 UTC 2018

On 2018年07月18日 04:21, Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 7/2/18 3:50 AM, Kang Kai wrote:
>> On 2018年06月28日 22:26, Mark Hatle wrote:
>>> On 6/28/18 3:48 AM, Kang Kai wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> When build 32 bits rootfs with 64 bits bsp, if an allarch/noarch package is
>>>> installed to lib32 rootfs, it causes
>>>> unexpected 64 bits packages which is required by the allarch package installed
>>>> to lib32 rootfs.
>>>> Take ca-certificates as example. ca-certificates rdepends on openssl, so if
>>>> ca-certificates is installed to image,
>>>> 64 bits package openssl will be installed too no matter what the rootfs is. But
>>>> only 32 bits openssl package should
>>>> be installed to 32 bits rootfs.
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks for your detailed reply.
>>> With -RPM-, and using names that do not include 'lib32' or other multilib
>>> prefixes.  RPM doesn't care 'who' provides openssl, as long as someone provides
>>> openssl.  There is a series of weights added to the available providers of
>>> openssl.  The package with the highest weight (or maybe lowest) is what ends up
>>> being installed.
>>> In the case where there are two multilibs providing openssl, the system will
>>> usually do one of two things:
>>> 1) Look to see if an existing openssl is set to be installed (just use that version)
>>> 2) Look to see if the default architecture has the package and use that,
>>> otherwise fall back to less priority architectures.  (Again, this is stock RPM
>>> behavior.)
>>> OE has modified the behaviors slightly, so I can't be 100% confident as to how
>>> it works in OE in all cases.
>> Do you mean make lib32-openssl also provides openssl? It should work for
>> do rootfs with repo priorities. But my concern is that
>> install package -foo- which requires openssl during runtime by command
>> rpm. If lib32-openssl is installed and it also provides 'openssl',
>> then package -foo- could be installed without real 64bits openssl. It
>> may cause malfunction.
> RPM has ELF dependencies and named dependencies.  The named dependencies (at
> least in the past) had been translated to the generic name, as well as the
> multilib name.  This allowed someone to say 'give me openssl', and it didn't
> matter which.
> For another package that required libssl (64-bit) it would have had a dependency
> on libssl(64) added to it, automatically, by the packaging system when building
> RPMs.  These dependencies are only added when using RPMs, and there is
> (intentionally) no manual way to specify them.
> Where this falls down is perl where we might have a 32-bit and/or 64-bit perl..
> and we wanted one or the other for a specific module.  Pam historically had a
> similar problem as the PAM subsystem was 64-bit -- but for some reason we'd end
> up installing only the 32-bit components.
> (Mind you as far as I know neither of these cases are part of the allarch issues
> you are concerned with.)
>>>> There are 2 ways to fixed the issue.
>>>> 1 expand allarch/noarch packages with multilib. So if add ca-certificates to
>>>> image, lib32-ca-certificates will be
>>>>      installed to 32bits rootfs. And then also the dependency lib32-openssl is
>>>> installed. That is what we expected.
>>> This really isn't the right way to do it, because then you end up with two
>>> packages with identical content -- and you then need to ensure that the internal
>>> dependencies all 'match'.
>>> So you've added another layer where you need to ensure that the multilib
>>> rdepends are 'specified' and managed properly.  [Yes this can be handled by OE
>>> automaticallly], but it doubles the size of the package respository (for no-arch
>>> packages), as well as any field upgrades BOTH have to be upgraded together or
>>> you will get an error.
>> Got it.
>>>> 2 expand DEPENDS/RDEPENDS of allarch/noarch packages with a prefix 'noarch-'
>>>> when multilib is enabled. So then
>>>>      ca-certificates requires 'noarch-openssl'. And make both lib32-openssl and
>>>> openssl provides 'noarch-openssl'.
>>> -today- it should be depending on 'openssl', and all variants of openssl SHOULD
>>> be calling themselves/providing 'openssl'.  (The other components of the
>>> dependency system will ensure the right 32-bit/64-bit version is selected if
>>> needed.)
>>> And unless the image creator is explicit in their check they may end up with
>>> BOTH the 32-bit and 64-bit versions...
>>>>      When do_rootfs, there is only one rpm repo 'oe-rootfs-repo' now. We will
>>>> create repos with different priorities
>>> And this is creating problems.  This is why the priority system (order for
>>> dependencies) was put into place originally.  So it would start at the highest
>>> priority components and work it's way until it found the right set of matches.
>>> With DNF and RPM(4), things have changed..  I'm not sure how the priorities are
>>> defined in this system -- but really each arch type should be it's own
>>> repository in DNF.. and the priorities for each should be ordered to match the
>>> user's preferred order for package installation.  (The default behavior is fine
>>> for most users, but a way to say -- no really I want 32-bit installed first.. is
>>> needed for the multilib image cases..)
>> Thanks. I'll figure out the priority in DNF and RPM(4).
>>> The reality though for most multilib users is they have one of two use-cases:
>>> 1) 64-bit kernel, 32-bit userspace (and possibly a 'few' 64-bit binaries)
>>> 2) 64-bit kernel, 64-bit userspace... They want a small number of libraries from
>>> the multilib installed into their main system
>>> It's the second case where we often get into problems, because the system is
>>> really intended for that -- where you would say I expect BOTH openssl 32-bit and
>>> 64-bit installed, but many of our users are trying to do I want only the openssl
>>> installed for the executables I need.  (reasonable request, just not exactly
>>> what RPM was intended to be doing.)
>>>>      according to different archs/subdirectories. For 32 bits image, make 32 bits
>>>> rpm repo has  higher priority, so lib32-openssl
>>>>      will be installed to 32 bits rootfs rather than 64bits.
>>> Yes, this covers the use case #1 better then anything else we have at this point.
>>>> I know these 2 ways are not perfect, but only possible ways I have in mind to
>>>> solve the problem.
>>>> Any comment or suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.
>>> So I can sum this up to:
>>> Use case 1.. kernel and primary userspace library type don't match is
>>> problematic, but not used by a lot of people (AFAIK).
>> I am sorry that it is the Use case 1 (64-bit kernel, 32-bit userspace)
>> that we want to solve. Because both lib32 (imported by other lib32
>> packages) and
>> 64bits (imported by noarch pacakge) packages such as perl may be
>> installed to image at same time , it causes some runtime failures such
>> as some perl
>> modules don't work.

Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

> There should -never- be a situation with a 32-bit and 64-bit (or any multilib)
> 'allarch' package changes.  If it does, it's simply NOT allarch.  Allarch means
> there are no architecture dependencies in that package.  If there are -any-, the
> thing should be properly declared to a specific arch, even if it only contains
> configuration files.

For allarch packages such as ca-certificates, I believe that it only 
needs an 'openssl' and no matter whether lib64-openssl or lib32-openssl 
So in my WIP patch, I make allarch package only depends on a virtual 
'noarch-foo' and both lib64-foo and lib32-foo provide foo.
And during do rootfs, according to image type(whether core-image-sato or 
lib32-core-image-sato) to install proper provider.

> Maybe the right answer is to add a QA step that verifies all 'allarch' versions
> are the same..  (I'm not exactly sure how you would do this, try to build all
> 'multilib' variants of any specific allarch and verify they didn't change perhaps?)
>> I once thought to solve the dependency issue in package libsolv. The
>> original thought is to pass a environment variable to identify whether
>> build a lib32 image.
>> When resolve the dependencies of noarch package, expand the dependencies
>> according the environment variable. But it seems libsolv treats "all
>> strings and
>> relations as unique 32-bit numbers". So it seems it doesn't work this way.
> Ya, I don't think fixing it in the solver is the right answer.   Whatever the
> solution, it has to be generic to work for all of the packaging formats.
> The basic rules, as I understand them, are:
> 1) allarch/noarch -- must be -identical- across all architectures [with the same
> distro configuration]
> 2) recipes/packages that require allarch must not expect any architecture
> dependent behavior, including path names.  (lib vs lib64, etc)

Yes. Currently the problem is to resolve dependency of allarch packages. 
And will not affect packages which depends on allarch packages.


> 3) regular arch packages should do dependencies based on package names (and
> other declared virtual dependencies)
> 4) rpm [automatic] internal dependencies should resolve executable dynamic
> linking issues.
> Known caveats are PAM, Perl and maybe Python modules that have no ELF component,
> but may have be loaded at runtime and need to match another executable
> environment.  How to resolve this, we need to be explicit in the recipes.. i.e.
> a 32-bit pam module must require 32-bit pam and NOT satisfy a 64-bit
> applications PAM needs.
> (Not sure the above really helps, but it may clarify things a bit.)
> --Mark
>> Thanks a lot.
>> --Kai
>>> Use case 2.. the embedded nature of trying to develop 'small' [in terms of
>>> number of packages installed] filesystems is causing some odd behavior, but a
>>> workaround of specifying the -exact- packages you want when this oddity arrives
>>> is available.
>>> --Mark
>>>> -- 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Neil | Kai Kang

Neil | Kai Kang

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