[OE-core] [meta-oe][PATCH v2] package_manager.py: set dnf always debug verbosity

Paulo Neves ptsneves at gmail.com
Sat May 5 10:05:16 UTC 2018

Removed an undocumented configuration
variable called ROOTFS_RPM_DEBUG. This configuration
toggled the verbosity of the dnf command. We now have
verbosity permanently turned on and instead of
directing this verbosity to bb.note we direct it
to bb.debug.

Having the verbosity enabled will allow to watch
the progress of the dnf package manager during the
do_rootfs task with the debug enabled in bitbake.

An example of the impact from enabling the
verbose output.

bitbake core-image-minimal
rm -rf tmp
bitbake core-image-minimal

Before patch 4m39,403s
After patch 4m42,441s

Signed-off-by: Paulo Neves <ptsneves at gmail.com>
 meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py b/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
index 2d8aeba037..8b6cd2aee0 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ class RpmPM(PackageManager):
         os.environ['RPM_ETCCONFIGDIR'] = self.target_rootfs
         dnf_cmd = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "dnf")
-        standard_dnf_args = (["-v", "--rpmverbosity=debug"] if self.d.getVar('ROOTFS_RPM_DEBUG') else []) + ["-y",
+        standard_dnf_args = ["-v", "--rpmverbosity=debug", "-y",
                              "-c", oe.path.join(self.target_rootfs, "etc/dnf/dnf.conf"),
                              "--setopt=reposdir=%s" %(oe.path.join(self.target_rootfs, "etc/yum.repos.d")),
                              "--repofrompath=oe-repo,%s" % (self.rpm_repo_dir),
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ class RpmPM(PackageManager):
                              "--setopt=logdir=%s" % (self.d.getVar('T'))
         cmd = [dnf_cmd] + standard_dnf_args + dnf_args
-        bb.note('Running %s' % ' '.join(cmd))
+        bb.debug(1, 'Running %s' % ' '.join(cmd))
             output = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode("utf-8")
             if print_output:

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