[OE-core] UNVERIFIED SENDER Re: [bitbake-devel] RFC: exposing information about the SRC_URI(s)/branch via buildhistory (or similar mechanism)

Mark Hatle mark.hatle at windriver.com
Thu Aug 1 18:27:07 UTC 2019

On 8/1/19 1:03 PM, chris.laplante at agilent.com wrote:
>> I've had some thoughts of capturing that same information, as well as
>> automatically generating a changelog (from short-commit entries) from the last
>> build to the current one use standard git commands... but I've never had time to
>> implement anything.
>> When I talked with RP about this a while back, he mentioned it should be
>> possible to extend the functionality of buildhistory with an additional class.
>> So the user could opt into extended functionality by including more then one
>> buildhistory class.
>> So my recommendation, store the URL you pulled from along with the SRCREV (if
>> it's not already been stored).  This can then be used later to investigate -- or
>> extended [internally or externally] to create changelogs.
> Wouldn't it be a bit overkill to add a new class just to handle SRC_URI? I would think it would just be a little extra code inside write_latest_srcrev.

Ordinarily I'd say yes.  But RP had concerns that these changes add up and
unless everyone wants them it could prove to be a maintenance problem.  At the
time he wanted a system for people to opt in to new functionality.  (I'm not
trying to speak for him, just repeating what I was told when I asked him a
similar question.)   In my case though I was suggesting much more functionality
then just this one item.


> Chris 

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