[OE-core] Status of the NPM refactoring

André Draszik git at andred.net
Thu Dec 12 20:17:56 UTC 2019


On Thu, 2019-12-12 at 07:49 -0500, Jean-Marie LEMETAYER wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am currently trying to update/refactor the handling of the NPM packages.
> [...]
> Is it OK ? Any thought ? Any advice ?

Three questions occurred to me on that whole subject... Mostly based on the
understanding that there are no recipes for
the dependencies, only for the
main package.

With your approach, can I force a different version of a dependency to be
fetched? I.e. a versions different from what npm would do?

Use case:
Let's say an npm package A somewhere down in the chain of my own (recursive)
dependencies pulls in version 1.2 of package B, but version 1.2 is unsuitable
for use, e.g. licensing issue. An updated, compatible, but yet unreleased on
npmjs.org version of package B exists (e.g. in github), with the licensing

Can I pull in that alternative version using your approach, as
I believe there is no recipe for package C if I understand right, i.e. no
place to put the alternative URL.

Say I need to patch an npm package C somewhere down in the chain of my own
(recursive) dependencies to fix an issue with package C. Can I do that, as
again, I believe there is no recipe for package C where I could update
SRC_URI to include my patch.

Will it be possible to handle projects that use angular natively in yocto
using your approach. E.g. have an angular-native recipe that will allow
running ng build on the code I'm interested in?


PS: Points one and two work with my (updated) script that I had posted some
weeks ago here.

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