[OE-core] Yocto Project Status WW30'19

sjolley.yp.pm at gmail.com sjolley.yp.pm at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 17:48:47 UTC 2019

Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M2

Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 2 Cutoff July 14th, 2019


SWAT Team Rotation:

*	SWAT lead is currently: Anuj 
*	SWAT team rotation: Anuj -> Paul on July 26, 2019
*	SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross on Aug. 2, 2019
*	 <https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Build_Failure_Swat_Team>


Next Team Meetings:

*	Bug Triage meeting Thursday July 25th at 7:30am PDT (
<https://zoom.us/j/454367603> https://zoom.us/j/454367603)
*	Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday August 6th at 8am PDT (
<https://zoom.us/j/990892712> https://zoom.us/j/990892712) 
*	Twitch - Next event is Tuesday August 6th at 8am PDT (
<https://www.twitch.tv/yocto_project> https://www.twitch.tv/yocto_project)


Key Status/Updates:

*	2.7.1 was released
*	2.6.3 has patches pending review and then will be built
*	We have a new "newcomer" bug category which are bugs suited to
someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
*	There are ongoing discussions on a few key topics which are
summarized here for convenience. Please contribute if you have an interest
in these areas:

*	Running the testsuites for glibc/binutils/gcc
*	Moving lsb to its own layer
*	Removing poky-lsb in favour of some configuration fragments
*	Reproducibility
*	Minimizing python2 dependencies
*	Configuration of init systems

*	Changing poky's init system default to systemd is running into a
large number of testing failures on the autobuilder which puts that change
at risk.
*	The autobuilder performance problem when stopping builds has been
tracked down and fixed. The controller was also upgraded for some
performance improvements (thanks Michael).
*	There are patches available which enable runqueue optimisations
based on output comparisons of tasks. This removes the need to run later
tasks if the output is unchanged and is based upon the previous hash
equivalence server work. This feature should be a significant win for the
users and is now working to a level where we'll likely make this a key
feature of the next release.


Planned Releases for YP 2.8:

*	M2 Cutoff 14th July
*	M2 Release 26th July
*	M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug
*	M3 Release 6th Sept
*	M4 Cutoff 30th Sept
*	2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*	YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) is released.
*	YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is intended for build after 2.7.1 is complete and
before 2.8 M2.


Tracking Metrics:

*	WDD 2483 (last week 2498) (
*	Poky Patch Metrics  

*	Total patches found: 1499 (last week 1502)
*	Patches in the Pending State: 623 (42%) [last week 630 (42%)]


Key Status Links for YP:





The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Project Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:              sjolley.yp.pm at gmail.com
<mailto:sjolley.yp.pm at gmail.com> 


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