[oe] hicolor-icon-theme installation/dependency problem

Fabian Ruff fabian at progra.de
Tue Feb 1 13:28:25 UTC 2011


first of all I'm not sure if this is the right mailing-list to post my 
question. Please point me to the right one if it isn't.

I've stumbled upon a problem building an recipe for custom software that 
depends on totem-pl-parser which itself depends on hicolor-icon-theme 
(which seems to be introduced by the gnome bbclass the totem-pl-parser 
recipe inherits from).

The installation of the hicolor-icon-theme fails at the postinstallation 
step because the directory /etc/gtk-2.0 and the binaries 
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders & gtk-update-icon-cache don't exist.
The postinst script of hicolor-icon-them is as follows:

> #!/bin/sh
> if [ "x$D" != "x" ]; then
>         exit 1
> fi
> # Update the pixbuf loaders in case they haven't been registered yet
> gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
> for icondir in /usr/share/icons/* ; do
>     if [ -d $icondir ] ; then
>         gtk-update-icon-cache -qt  $icondir
>     fi
> done
I believe this postinstallation step is added by the gtk-icon-cache 
class the hicolor-icon-theme recipe inherits from.

I don't know which package provides this binaries/directory but as the 
package hicolor-icon-theme explicitly has no RDEPENDS set this seems 
wrong somehow.
Installing hicolor-icon-theme via opkg from a standard console-image 
installation leaves the package manager in an inconsistent state with a 
half installed hicolor-icon-theme package which additionally can't be 
removed anymore because the postrm step also expects 
gtk-update-icon-cache to be available.

Any suggestions how to fix this or how this was intended to work?
I want to use totem-pl-parser with the least possible additional 
software and hope this is possible without unfolding a complete 
gnome/gtk universe in my installation.


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