[oe] testing branch 2011-01-28

Steffen Sledz sledz at dresearch.de
Fri Feb 4 07:17:31 UTC 2011

Here's another issue in do_rootfs for angstrom-x-image:

Collected errors:
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package xfce4-notifyd wants to install file /home/sledz/work/OE-testing/tmp.6/rootfs/angstrom-x-image/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service
	But that file is already provided by package  * notification-daemon
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package task-xfce46-extras.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /home/sledz/work/OE-testing/tmp.6/rootfs/angstrom-x-image/etc/device_table is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /home/sledz/work/OE-testing/tmp.6/rootfs/angstrom-x-image/etc/device_table-opkg.
ERROR: Function do_rootfs failed

see <http://tinderbox.openembedded.net/packages/1903422/>

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