[oe] base-files vs. FHS-2.3

Steffen Sledz sledz at dresearch.de
Thu Feb 10 10:55:14 UTC 2011

While dealing with the /var subdirs i hit some differences between Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (current FHS-2.3) and the base-files package.

One point is that /var/tmp is symlinked to volatile/tmp but according to the standard this dir contains "Temporary files *preserved between system reboots* ".

Also /var/cache is symlinked to volatile/cache but the standard describes "The data must remain valid between invocations of the application *and rebooting the system.* " what i would read in the way that /var/cache should be persistent too.

May be there are other differences.

In my opinion the symlinking in base-files is buggy and should be fixed. Or am i wrong here?


DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH
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