[oe] TSC Announcement

Philip Balister philip at balister.org
Thu Feb 10 18:22:58 UTC 2011

On behalf of the board I would like to announce that due to the current
situation with TSC and collaboration with Yocto we have decided to
nominate a interim TSC until we can hold the elections to elect a new TSC.

This interim TSC will operate for 2 months when we shall start elections
at two month intervals for the 5 positions on the TSC. The new elected
TSC members will operate under the charter detailed on the wiki here

As each TSC position is elected the interim TSC will lose one position
until on final election the final two members of the interim TSC shall
leave. The TSC will then operate under the new charter with elections
called under the rules of that charter.

For the interim TSC the board has selected to choose all developers who
publically showed an interest as well as the one existing member of the
old TSC. So the Intereim TSC shall consist of

1) Khem Raj
2) Koen Kooi
3) Mark Hatle
4) Richard Purdie
5) Stefan Schmidt
6) Tom Rini

The interim TSC will operate under the rights and responsibilities as
listed in the charter. It will focus on the collaboration with the Yocto

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