[oe] TSC agenda items for the next meeting

Philip Balister philip at balister.org
Sun Feb 13 21:38:08 UTC 2011

On 02/13/2011 05:50 AM, Koen Kooi wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> The new TSC is holding a meeting next week and we wanted to see if
> anyone wants to suggest items we put in the agenda for the meeting.
> If you have such items, please let us know by replying to this mail.

I'd like to see definitive guidelines for creating board support 
packages. This should address:

1) Where to define toolchains and versions.
2) How to create kernel bb files. (Per board, or per kernel version)
3) Same for u-boot, how to pin u-boot versions for BSP's.

Basically, we should identify all the BSP's issues that create 
discussions on the list and work out a best practices document so we can 
have more consistency.

A similar set of guidelines defining what a a distro's responsibility 
would also be good.


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