[oe] bitbake exit codes? (testing-release-2011.03 build results)

Steffen Sledz sledz at dresearch.de
Mon Feb 14 10:39:43 UTC 2011

Am 14.02.2011 09:11, schrieb Frans Meulenbroeks:
> 2011/2/14 Steffen Sledz <sledz at dresearch.de>:
>> While setting up Jenkins/Hudson jobs for the testing-release-2011.03 branch based on the testscript.sh from the contrib subdir i hit the following problem.
>> bitbake (1.10.2) finally reports "NOTE: Task Summary: Attempted 1217 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and 0 failed.". So it seems that the build was successful. But bitbake did not return 0 but 1. So Jenkins marks the build as failed.
>> I guess the exit code 1 is coming from some QA Issues. How do we handle that if if my guess is right?
>> Do we mark such a build run as successful in our test matrix?
>> Has bitbake a defined set of exit codes that we can evaluate in the testscript.sh?
>> Steffen
> There have been a few threads on this in the past.
> One of the ways (and maybe the best one) to get around this is to fix
> the QA errors.

Of course. You are right.

But for the moment the question is: "Do we mark such a builds as successful in our test matrix or not?"


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