[oe] OE TSC Meeting 2011/02/14 Minutes

Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 21:09:04 UTC 2011

2011/2/16 Philip Balister <philip at balister.org>:
> On 02/16/2011 10:05 AM, Frans Meulenbroeks wrote:
>> Richard,
>> Thanks for the excellent minutes.
>> There are two things I would like to mention though, wrt this comment:
>>> (21:13:55) _koen_: if people really wanted to be involved, they should
>>> have stepped up
>> 1. The board never asked for people to step up.
>> 2. I have informed the board on Feb 1 by email that I was available.
>> Literally quoting: "If desired by the board I am available to
>> participate in the interim
>> TSC". As such I feel I have stepped up. Unfortunately my email has
>> apparently been ignored by the board. That is: no action has been
>> taken based upon it and I never got a reply.
>> Just want to avoid the impression that I (and perhaps others) were not
>> willing to get involved.
> Before this gets any further, the email Frans is referring to was sent to
> the board. It was a long email and the line he is referring was after my
> patience reading email expired (note, in my case, the email was received
> during travel and I was reading email fast).

I'm not really sure what you want to say here. I already mentioned
that the email was to the board.
And I  just ran wc on the email. 736 bytes making 128 words and 23
lines, (of which 7 were empty)
Not really what I consider long.And there were 3 more board members
that got the email (5 or 6 days before the FOSDEM meeting).
> Florian, Graeme, and myself met at FOSDEM to make a decision on the TSC
> situation. We had 5 strong candidates who had publically shown interest. The
> meeting location was outside a building, without access to a computer, so we
> could not review Frans' email. We already had one too many candidates and
> needed to make a decision so we did.

That tells a lot about the care taken by the board in important
matters like this. :-(

Anyway, I'm not complaining that I am not invited for the interim TSC.
I really don't care. I have indicated I am available and if it was
decided not to accept this offer, fine with me.
However I do oppose to the suggestion that outside the current TSC
people did not want to be involved (as was suggested on IRC by Koen).

Best regards, Frans.

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