[oe] QA RPATH error for c++ packages?

Andreas Mueller schnitzeltony at gmx.de
Thu Feb 17 17:08:51 UTC 2011

@Khem forget the last mail - sorry

My guess is still that the QA RPATH error is caused by some generic problem with
c++ sources / libstdc++ - independent of clutter-box2d or other recipes 
meantioned before. Hints on this are

1.  ALL packages which have sysroot path for 'libstdc++.la' in '.libs/*.lai
have a QA RPATH error!

2. In '/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/lib/libstdc++.la' I find

| # Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
| libdir=/home/Superandi/tmp/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/lib

3. So (don't kill me) I modified  '/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-
gnueabi/usr/lib/libstdc++.la' to

| # Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
| libdir=/usr/lib

And rebuild some of the QA RPATH candidates mentioned before



To me it seems as matter of gcc ( in my case 4.3.3 )

| TARGET_ARCH       = "arm"
| TARGET_OS         = "linux-gnueabi"
| MACHINE           = "overo"
| DISTRO            = "angstrom"
| DISTRO_VERSION    = "2010.7-test-20110217"

What do you think?


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