[oe] udev, udev-compat and old kernel

Steffen Sledz sledz at dresearch.de
Mon Feb 28 13:01:17 UTC 2011

In our local development branch we've set


in angstrom-2008-preferred-versions.inc to force udev-141 for our old kernel (2.6.24) at hipox machine. But i'm nearly sure that's not the correct way to do this. ;-)

So what's the right way to handle this?

Looking around i found the udev-compat141_141.bb recipe. In my understanding this package adds some rules to newer udev packages (e.g. udev-151) to be able to work with older kernels, so that it is possible to use newer udev versions. Right?

In this case it should be enough to add some lines to conf/machine/hipox.conf, recipes/udev/udev.inc, recipes/udev/udev_{151,154,162,165}.bb similar to poodle machine. Right?


DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH
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Tel: +49 30 515932-237 mailto:sledz at DResearch.de
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