[oe] [meta-multimedia][PATCH v2] openh264: switch away from github archive

Trevor Woerner twoerner at gmail.com
Wed May 16 06:31:31 UTC 2018

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:45 AM, akuster808 <akuster808 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/09/2018 05:49 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> > Since we know that github archives which are automatically generated
> have a
> > tendency to change their checksums[1], switch to using a git clone.
> >
> > [1] http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/
> 2017-September/114916.html
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Trevor Woerner <twoerner at gmail.com>
> > ---
> >
> > Changes since v1:
> >  - replace the frankenstein local variable name OPENHBRANCH with simply
> >    to hold the name of the branch to use
> This fails to build: please see
> http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Details/178572/

As it turns out, even without this patch, building the existing openh264
recipe in master for qemux86 fails exactly the same way. The really odd
thing is, I don't see any indication of this failure in any of the "state
of the world" build reports. Do the "state of the world" builds not build
against MACHINE="qemux86"? Or maybe openh264 is skipped (perhaps due to
LICENSE_FLAGS = "commercial")?

I'm not entirely surprised this patch doesn't introduce a new problem, its
only difference against the original is to fetch from git rather that an
automatically generated github archive. If the auto-generated archive
succeeded but a git clone of the exact same SHA failed, that would be news

I assume that although my patches aren't introducing a new build failure, I
should probably investigate fixing it anyway?

The existing recipe has provisions for i386. If I understand correctly,
qemux86 is i586 (?), and meta-intel's intel-core2-32 is i686 (?). Do I
duplicate the i386 provisions for i586 and i686? Is there an easier way to
specify all 32-bit IA systems? Otherwise I guess another option is to
disable 32-bit IA COMPATIBLE_MACHINEs?

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