[oe] [meta-networking][PATCH] vlan: use update-alternatives for vconfig

Hannu Lounento hannu.lounento at vaisala.com
Thu May 17 04:27:22 UTC 2018

Busybox also provides the command 'vconfig' when CONFIG_VCONFIG is

Busybox has a priority of 50.

Prior to the patch running

    bitbake core-image-minimal

produced the warnings

    WARNING: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: busybox.postinst returned 1, marking as unpacked only, configuration required on target.
    WARNING: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Intentionally failing postinstall scriptlets of ['busybox'] to defer them to first boot is deprecated. Please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} ().
    If deferring to first boot wasn't the intent, then scriptlet failure may mean an issue in the recipe, or a regression elsewhere.
    Details of the failure are in /path/to/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/qemux86-oe-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.
    WARNING: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: [log_check] core-image-minimal: found 1 warning message in the logfile:
    [log_check] WARNING: Intentionally failing postinstall scriptlets of ['busybox'] to defer them to first boot is deprecated. Please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget_${PN} ().

where log.do_rootfs contained

    update-alternatives: Error: not linking /path/to/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/qemux86-oe-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/sbin/vconfig to /bin/busybox.nosuid since /path/to/poky/build/tmp-glibc/work/qemux86-oe-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/sbin/vconfig exists and is not a link

when a workspace layer created by devtool contained

    $ cat workspace/appends/busybox_%.bbappend
    FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"

    SRC_URI_append = " file://vconfig.cfg"


    $ cat workspace/appends/busybox/vconfig.cfg

and local.conf contained

    $ tail -n2 conf/local.conf
    IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " busybox"
    IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " vlan"

Signed-off-by: Hannu Lounento <hannu.lounento at vaisala.com>
 meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/vlan/vlan_1.9.bb | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/vlan/vlan_1.9.bb b/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/vlan/vlan_1.9.bb
index bd55efce2..7eea5d135 100644
--- a/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/vlan/vlan_1.9.bb
+++ b/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/vlan/vlan_1.9.bb
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3b8f0a1bf0d3642764e5f646e1f3bbc8b1eeec474a77392d9aeb486884
 S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}"
+inherit update-alternatives
 # comment out MakeInclude in Makefile which sets build environment
@@ -30,3 +32,7 @@ do_install () {
     install -d ${D}/${base_sbindir}
     install -m 0755 ${S}/vconfig ${D}/${base_sbindir}/
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "vconfig"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[vconfig] = "${base_sbindir}/vconfig"

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