[oe] [meta-oe][PATCH v2] pam-plugin-ldapdb: add recipe

Richard Leitner richard.leitner at skidata.com
Wed May 23 09:03:08 UTC 2018

On 05/23/2018 10:54 AM, Martin Jansa wrote:
> Don't use github archives which are regenerated from time to time with different checksums (read older discussions for more details).

What should we use instead?
git clone?
My comments on that from the last patch version:

> Why should we change to git clones instead of archives? What's the advantage?

.. ok that's clear with the "different checksums" statement

> IMHO it only causes more traffic and uses more disk space.
> Furthermore if we rely on tags these may be changed without our notice...
> And if they are unsigned (like here) we also don't know if something got modified unintentionally...
> Or should we use revision hashes?

If these points were already settled please give me a pointer to that discussion.

thanks & regards;Richard.L

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