[oe] SRC_URI for Subversion server not supporting svn:// protocol

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 20:40:57 UTC 2013

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 04:11:44PM -0400, Bryan Evenson wrote:
> I have a Subversion server that is setup for https:// access only (Apache server which redirects all http to https, no svnserve active).  There is an application on the repository that I would like to create a recipe for.  However, I'm running into issues with the SRC_URI for this application.
> If I create a SRC_URI of the form:
> SRC_URI = "svn://path/to/svn/repository/;module=projectname;rev=HEAD;proto=https"

Close, but use protocol=https.

> Then the fetch fails due to the svn checkout command being formed as:
> svn co svn://path/to/svn/repository/ projectname
> which my Subversion server rejects because it's not implementing the svn protocol (I know there are other checkout options in the command, but they're not important to this topic).  If I then change the SRC_URI as follows:
> SRC_URI = "https://path/to/svn/repository/;module=projectname;rev=HEAD;proto=svn"
> Then during the fetch it attempts to use wget instead of a svn checkout.  This also has issues since the base wget checkout is setup to checkout a single file and not recursively checkout a directory.  Plus, I'd like to do a Subversion checkout for my workflow.
> Is there a way to tell Bitbake to do a svn checkout but use an https:// URL?  If not, does anyone else have any other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
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Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: Martin.Jansa at gmail.com
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