Here is script collections I using for doing OpenEmbedded test-builds. It is on OE tree now (contrib/testing/testbuilder). You can view it online here: http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/contrib/testing/testbuilder
How to setup and use
I assume below that you wish to install TestBuilder into `~/testbuilder` directory.
1. Copy the files from OE `contrib/testing/testbuilder` directory to any place you wish to use (e.g. `~/testbuilder`) and go to that directory.
2. Run the `setup-testbuilder` script with an OE branch and BitBake branch you wish to use. E.g.:
./setup-testbuilder "testing-next" "1.12"
It will clone the OE and BitBake trees and prepare the file `build/conf/local.conf` for you. You can review `local.conf` afterward and add some settings there.
3. Create `testbuilder.conf` according to your needs. You can use `testbuilder.conf.sample` as reference.
4. Create your build configs in `testbuilder.d` directory. You can use provided sample config files as reference.
5. Run `./testbuilder` and wait for the build results. Check the `logs` subdir for log files (`tail logs/B.*` is useful)
You can run a single configured build (e.g. "testing").
./testbuilder -B ./testbuilder.d/testing.conf
Or you can use TestBuilder to build a specific distro/machine/image just like bitbake (e.g. angstrom-2008.1/qemuarm/console-image).
./testbuilder -D angstrom-2008.1 -M qemuarm console-image
If you wish to only setup an environment and run BitBake by hand you can use the option `-S`.
./testbuilder -D angstrom-2008.1 -M qemuarm -S
Look ./testbuilder -h for full list of possible options.