Yury 'Jay7' Bushmelev <>
I'm doing following stuff for OE:
- trying to maintain Zaurus machines in OpenEmbedded.
- running TestBuilder for following machines as part of Testing initiative
- DISTROS="angstrom-2010.x minimal"
- MACHINES="tosa collie akita efikamx ben-nanonote"
- IMAGES="console-image x11-image opie-image"
- trying to create new buildstats collecting and reporting infrastructure together with Yocto project
I'm kexecboot lead developer.
I can provide remote access to following machines:
- Sharp Zaurus SL-6000L (tosa)
- Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 (collie)
- Sharp Zaurus SL C-1000 (akita)
- Ben NanoNote
- Efika MX Smarttop
I'm looking for remote contracted OE/Linux/FreeBSD-based work.